
server. Context

Base class to extend in order to implment the optionnal server-side counterpart of a client.Context. If not defined, a default context will be created and used by the server.

In the soundworks paradigm, a client has a "role" (e.g. player, controller) see client.Client#role) and can be in different "contexts" (e.g. different part of the experience such as sections of a music piece, etc.). The client.Context and optionnal serverContext abstractions provide a simple and unified way to model these reccuring aspects of an application.

If a server.Context is recognized as the server-side counterpart of a client.Context, based on their respective name (see client.Context#name and server.Context#name), soundworks will ensure the logic defined by the server-side Context will be executed at the beginning of the client.Client#enter and client.Client#exit methods. The example show how soundwords handles (and guarantees) the order of the enter() steps between the client-side and the server-side parts of the context. The same goes for the exit() method.

// client-side
import { Context } from '@soundworks/core/client.js';

class MyContext extends Context {
  async enter() {
    // 1. client side context enter() starts
    //    server-side logic is triggered first
    await super.enter();
    // 4. server-side context enter() is fully done
    // some async job can be done here
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    // 5. client-side context enter() ends

// Instanciate the context (assuming the `client.role` is 'test')
const myContext = new MyContext(client);

// At some point in the application, the client enters the context trigerring
// the steps 1 to 5 described in the client-side and server-side `enter()`
// implementations. Note that the server-side `enter()` is never called manually.
await myContext.enter();
// server-side
import { Context } from '@soundworks/core/server.js';

class MyContext extends Context {
  async enter(client) {
    // 2. server-side context enter() starts
    await super.enter(client);
    // some async job can be done here
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    // 3. server-side context enter() ends

// Instantiate the context
const myContext = new Context(server);


new Context(client, rolesopt)

Name Type Attributes Default Description
client client.Client

The soundworks client instance.

roles string | Array:.<string:> <optional>

Optionnal list of client roles that can use this context. In large applications, this may be usefull to guarantee that a context can be consumed only by specific client roles, throwing an error if any other client role tries to use it. If empty, no access policy will be used.


Will throw if the first argument is not a soundworks server instance.


clients :Array:.<server.Client:>

  • List of clients that are currently in this context


List of clients that are currently in this context


(readonly) name :string

  • Optionnal user-defined name of the context (defaults to the class name).

    The context manager will match the client-side and server-side contexts based on this name. If the server.ContextManager don't find a corresponding user-defined context with the same name, it will use a default (noop) context.


Optionnal user-defined name of the context (defaults to the class name).

The context manager will match the client-side and server-side contexts based on this name. If the server.ContextManager don't find a corresponding user-defined context with the same name, it will use a default (noop) context.

  • string
// server-side and client-side contexts are matched based on their respective `name`
class MyContext extends Context {
  get name() {
    return 'my-user-defined-context-name';

(readonly) server :server.Server

  • soundworks server


soundworks server


(readonly) status :string

  • Status of the context ('idle', 'inited', 'started' or 'errored')


Status of the context ('idle', 'inited', 'started' or 'errored')

  • string


(async) enter(client) → {Promise}

  • Enter the context. Implement this method to define the logic that should be done (e.g. creating a shared state, etc.) when a client enters the context.

    If the context has not been started yet, the start method is implicitely executed.

    WARNING: this method should never be called manually.

class MyContext extends Context {
  async enter(client) {
    await super.enter(client);

  async exit(client) {
    await super.exit(client);
Name Type Description
client server.Client

Server-side representation of the client that enters the context.

  • Promise that resolves when the context is entered.

(async) exit(client) → {Promise}

  • Exit the context. Implement this method to define the logic that should be done (e.g. delete a shared state, etc.) when a client exits the context.

    • WARNING: this method should never be called manually.
class MyContext extends Context {
  async enter(client) {
    await super.enter(client);
    this.state = await this.client.stateManager.create('my-context-state');

  async exit(client) {
    await super.exit(client);
    await this.state.delete();
Name Type Description
client server.Client

Server-side representation of the client that exits the context.

  • Promise that resolves when the context is exited.

(async) start()

  • Start the context. This method is lazilly called when a client enters the context for the first time (cf. ${server.Context#enter}). If you know some some heavy and/or potentially long job has to be done when starting the context (e.g. connect to a database, parsing a long file) it may be a good practice to call it explicitely.

    This method should be implemented to perform operations that are valid for the whole lifetime of the context, regardless a client enters or exits the context.

import { Context } from '@soundworks/core/server.js';

class MyContext extends Context {
  async start() {
    await super.start();
    await this.doSomeLongJob();

// Instantiate the context
const myContext = new Context(server, ['test']);
// manually start the context to perform the long operation before the first
// client enters the context
await myContext.start();

(async) stop()

  • Stop the context. The method that is automatically called when the server stops. It should be used to cleanup context wise operations made in start() (e.g. disconnect from a database, release a file handle).

    WARNING: this method should never be called manually.
