
 * Internal shared state class used to audit the application.
 * @private
export default {
   * Number of connected clients by role.
   * @example
   * {
   *   player: 12,
   *   controller: 1,
   * }
  numClients: {
    type: 'any',
    default: {},

   * Average latency in seconds computed from ping/pong information.
  averageNetworkLatency: {
    type: 'float',
    default: 0,

   * Time window in second used to compute the average latency. Defaults to 5
  averageNetworkLatencyWindow: {
    type: 'float',
    default: 5,

   * Period in second at which the average latency is computed. Defaults to 2
  averageNetworkLatencyPeriod: {
    type: 'float',
    default: 2,