
import { isBrowser } from '@ircam/sc-utils';
import WebSocket from 'isomorphic-ws';

import {
} from '../common/constants.js';
import logger from '../common/logger.js';
import {
} from '../common/sockets-utils.js';

export const kSocketTerminate = Symbol('soundworks:socket-terminate');

 * The ClientSocket class is a simple publish / subscribe wrapper built on top of the
 * [isomorphic-ws]( library.
 * An instance of `ClientSocket` is automatically created by the `soundworks.Client`
 * (see {@link Client#socket}).
 * _Important: In most cases, you should consider using a {@link SharedState}
 * rather than directly using the sockets._
 * The ClientSocket class concurrently opens two different WebSockets:
 * - a socket configured with `binaryType = 'blob'` for JSON compatible data
 *  types (i.e. string, number, boolean, object, array and null).
 * - a socket configured with `binaryType= 'arraybuffer'` for efficient streaming
 *  of binary data.
 * Both sockets re-emits all "native" ws events ('open', 'upgrade', 'close', 'error'
 *  and 'message'.
 * @hideconstructor
class ClientSocket {
  #role = null;
  #config = null;
  #socketOptions = null;
  #socket = null;
  #listeners = new Map();

  constructor(role, config, socketOptions) {
    this.#role = role;
    this.#config = config;
    this.#socketOptions = socketOptions;

   * Initialize a websocket connection with the server. Automatically called
   * during {@link Client#init}
   * @param {string} role - Role of the client (see {@link Client#role})
   * @param {object} config - Configuration of the sockets
   * @private
  async init() {
    let { path } = this.#socketOptions;
    // cf.
    if (this.#config.env.baseUrl) {
      path = `${this.#config.env.baseUrl}/${path}`;

    const protocol = this.#config.env.useHttps ? 'wss:' : 'ws:';
    const port = this.#config.env.port;
    let serverAddress;
    let webSocketOptions;

    if (isBrowser()) {
      const hostname = window.location.hostname;

      if (this.#config.env.serverAddress === '') {
        serverAddress = hostname;
      } else {
        serverAddress = this.#config.env.serverAddress;

      // when in https with self-signed certificates, we don't want to use
      // the serverAddress defined in config as the socket would be blocked, so we
      // just override serverAddress with hostname in this case
      const localhosts = ['', 'localhost'];

      if (this.#config.env.useHttps && localhosts.includes(hostname)) {
        serverAddress = window.location.hostname;

      if (this.#config.env.useHttps && window.location.hostname !== serverAddress) {
        console.warn(`ClientSocket will try to connect at ${serverAddress} while the page is accessed from ${hostname}. This can lead to socket errors, e.g. If you run the application with self-signed certificates as the certificate may not have been accepted for ${serverAddress}. In such case you should rather access the page from ${serverAddress}.`);

      webSocketOptions = [];
    } else {
      if (this.#config.env.serverAddress === '') {
        serverAddress = '';
      } else {
        serverAddress = this.#config.env.serverAddress;

      webSocketOptions = {
        // handshakeTimeout: 2000,
        // do not reject self-signed certificates
        rejectUnauthorized: false,

    let queryParams = `role=${this.#role}`;

    if (this.#config.token) {
      queryParams += `&token=${this.#config.token}`;

    const url = `${protocol}//${serverAddress}:${port}/${path}?${queryParams}`;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    // Init socket
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      const trySocket = async () => {
        const ws = new WebSocket(url, webSocketOptions);

        // WebSocket "native" events:
        // - `close`: Fired when a connection with a websocket is closed.
        // - `error`: Fired when a connection with a websocket has been closed
        //   because of an error, such as when some data couldn't be sent.
        // - `message`: Fired when data is received through a websocket.
        // - `open`: Fired when a connection with a websocket is opened.

        ws.addEventListener('open', openEvent => {
          this.#socket = ws;

          this.#socket.addEventListener('message', e => {
            if ( === PING_MESSAGE) {
              return; // do not propagate ping pong messages

            // Parse incoming message, dispatch in pubsub system and propagate raw event.
            const [channel, args] = unpackStringMessage(;
            this.#dispatchEvent(channel, ...args);
            this.#dispatchEvent('message', e);

          // Propagate other native events
          // @note - isn't it too late for the 'upgrade' message?
          ['close', 'error', 'upgrade'].forEach(eventName => {
            this.#socket.addEventListener(eventName, e => this.#dispatchEvent(eventName, e));

          // Forward open event and continue initialization
          this.#dispatchEvent('open', openEvent);

        // cf.
        // cf.
        ws.addEventListener('error', e => {
          ws.terminate ? ws.terminate() : ws.close();

          if (e.error) {
            const msg = `ClientSocket error - code: ${e.error.code}, message: ${e.error.message}`;

          // Try to reconnect in all cases. Note that if the socket has been connected,
          // the close event will be propagated and the launcher will restart the process.
          setTimeout(trySocket, 1000);


   * Removes all listeners and immediately close the two sockets. Is automatically
   * called on `client.stop()`
   * Is also called when a disconnection is detected by the heartbeat (note that
   * in this case, the launcher will call `client.stop()` but the listeners are
   * already cleared so the event will be triggered only once.
   * @private
  async [kSocketTerminate]() {
    const closeListeners = this.#listeners.get('close');


    if (closeListeners) {
      closeListeners.forEach(listener => listener());

    return Promise.resolve();

   * @param {string} channel - Channel name.
   * @param {...*} args - Content of the message.
  #dispatchEvent(channel, ...args) {
    if (this.#listeners.has(channel)) {
      const callbacks = this.#listeners.get(channel);
      callbacks.forEach(callback => callback(...args));

   * Send messages with JSON compatible data types on a given channel.
   * @param {string} channel - Channel name.
   * @param {...*} args - Payload of the message. As many arguments as needed, of
   *  JSON compatible data types (i.e. string, number, boolean, object, array and null).
  send(channel, ...args) {
    if (this.#socket.readyState === 1) {
      const msg = packStringMessage(channel, ...args);

   * Listen messages with JSON compatible data types on a given channel.
   * @param {string} channel - Channel name.
   * @param {Function} callback - Callback to execute when a message is received,
   *  arguments of the callback function will match the arguments sent using the
   *  {@link ServerSocket#send} method.
  addListener(channel, callback) {
    if (!this.#listeners.has(channel)) {
      this.#listeners.set(channel, new Set());

    const callbacks = this.#listeners.get(channel);

   * Remove a listener from JSON compatible messages on a given channel.
   * @param {string} channel - Channel name.
   * @param {Function} callback - Callback to remove.
  removeListener(channel, callback) {
    if (this.#listeners.has(channel)) {
      const callbacks = this.#listeners.get(channel);

      if (callbacks.size === 0) {

   * Remove all listeners of messages with JSON compatible data types.
   * @param {string} channel - Channel name.
  removeAllListeners(channel = null) {
    if (channel === null) {
    } else if (this.#listeners.has(channel)) {

export default ClientSocket;